Ronnie was born.

1972 February 10

Created by Elizabeth 16 years ago
Ronnie was born on February 10, 1972 in Ranger, Texas. Daddy and Margie were living in the Brad community at the time. Ronnie was about 6 months old when they moved back to Washington...that's when I saw her for the first time.We knew they were on their way back and I had been watching for them to arrive all day that day...when the truck pulled in, I was out the door...I was so excited to have my dad back home and couldn't wait to see him and the rest of the family. I remember Daddy stepping out of the truck, then turning to pick up the most adorable little girl I had ever seen...He turned back, with her in his arms, and said to me ,"Beth, meet your baby sister." I reached out for her and she held up those chubby little arms as if she had known me from day one. i took her in my arms and she wrapped those arms around my neck so tight...I couldn't help but fall in love with her...She looked at me with those big grey eyes and smiled the most cherubic smile and my heart was in her hands...I loved her from then on, and I love her still today.