Elmanore 13th May 2010

Veronica, I never got to meet you but I just wanted you to know that you have raised an AMAZING son. I have never met anyone who makes me cry cause of how beautiful of a person they are. Chase is very kind, he's always there for anyone and would always turn any frown upside down. He almost always knew what to say and do whether you were happy or sad and even though he didn't know what to say, something about him would let you know that he truly cares. He wouldn't say much about you but he told me by the way he talked about you and his facial expressions how much he loves you and how much he misses you. I honestly believe that God sent me to him to take care of him and love him and hold him the way anyone would want to be held and cared for. You should be very proud to have a son like Chase. He loves you very much. I hope to meet you one day in heaven, it'd be a pleasure. R.I.P Veronica Sincerely, Elmanore Animas