I can scarcely believe that it has been 10 years today since my precious, beloved baby sister went home to be with her Lord. And yet it seems as if it has been a lifetime since then. The pain is not as sharp, but it is still there, along with the tears, just under the surface of my emotions. Most days thoughts of her bring joy and a smile, but today is not one of them. Today all I'm feeling is sadness and renewed grief. I still miss her so much....I suppose that will never go away, but today it is especially fierce. I find myself longing for the day when I will be re-united with her in heaven.We will walk on the streets of gold and sit in the shade along the banks of that crystal river of Life that flows from the throne of the Father. We'll laugh and talk of our times together and catch up on all that has happened while we were separated one from the other. It will be a wonderful reunion and I look forward to it will all eagerness. Until that time comes, I will continue to hold her memory close in my heart & in my thoughts.She will forever be much loved.